• Ultima modifica September 12, 2022

NEW Reflexx N80 disposable glove, the ideal glove for the TRADE


Reflexx is leader in innovation in the field of disposable gloves for years.

The list of new models of gloves launched in recent years, includes gloves for specific uses and sectors, but also gloves like Reflexx N80 designed to help our TRADE customers to offer an INNOVATIVE and TRANSVERSAL glove that can be used for different uses / sectors thanks to its unique characteristics.

Reflexx N80 puts together several strong points:

• It has the same natural color of latex – much loved and required in the medical and dental fields

• It is a nitrile glove with all the advantages in terms of tolerability and chemical resistance of this material compared to latex

• 3gr weight in line with the latest strong trends in the glove industry to go towards lower and lower thicknesses to guarantee maximum dexterity and tactile sensitivity

• It is positioned in terms of price close to a quality vinyl gloves

As application sectors Reflexx N80 covers a wide range of uses, it is in fact a PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) of Cat III, against chemical risks and microorganisms, a Class I Medical Device, and a FOOD suitable gloves for almost all foods (excluding ACID foods).

All this means that Reflexx N80 can be used in the medical, dental, service companies, in the aesthetics sector, in the FOOD field and also in the light industry, where PPE is required to guarantee an extreme sensitivity to the operator.

Contact us
For any need regarding the production, distribution and sale of our disposable gloves in latex, nitrile, polyethylene, vinyl and reusable, do not hesitate to contact us: we will be at your disposal with competence and professionalism.
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